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Law for the Promotion of the Personal Autonomy of People with Disabilities

Law for the Promotion of the Personal Autonomy of People with Disabilities

On August 30th, 2016, Law number 9379, entitled “Law for the Promotion of Personal Autonomy of People with Disabilities”, was published in the Official newspaper. This law was put into effect to replace the process known as “insanity” and aims to promote and ensure for people with disabilities, the full exercise of the right to […]

Basic Aspects of the New Civil Procedural Code

Basic Aspects of the New Civil Procedural Code

This past October 8th, the New Civil Procedural Code (NCPC) came into force, law number 9342, which repeals almost entirely the past code (CPC) and modifies important procedural institutes that adapt to the dynamics of an oral procedural system. This orality and immediacy characteristic implies one of the pillars of the reform in the civil […]

The early conciliation hearings in the alimony process

The early conciliation hearings in the alimony process

When we talk about alimony, many people think that it is an amount imposed by a third party (Judge) and that it simply must be paid, without any objection. A few years ago, the corresponding Courts received the request for alimony and the judges established a provisional alimony quota, considering only what the person filing […]

Temporary Work Suspension and Employment Contracts by the Employer

Temporary Work Suspension and Employment Contracts by the Employer

In Costa Rica, there is the possibility that, under certain circumstances, a suspension of the employment contract may occur and therefore, the employment contract may be due to the situations of the worker or the employer. There are situations in companies that prevent the production or provision of services, and that is why Costa Rican […]

The Affectation of Family Patrimony in Costa Rica

The Affectation of Family Patrimony in Costa Rica

Article 51 of the Political Constitution of Costa Rica mentions that “family, as a natural and fundamental element of society, is entitled to the special protection of the State.” Additionally, Article 65 of the same law also states, “the State shall promote the construction of popular housing and create the worker’s family assets”. This means […]

Suspension of the worker without salary as a substitute for dismissal without employer liability

Suspension of the worker without salary as a substitute for dismissal without employer liability

The disciplinary suspension without salary is contained in article 68 clause e) of the Labor Code, in which it establishes the following: “Article 68.- The work regulations may include the technical and administrative rules necessary for the correct operation of the company; those related to hygiene and safety of work, as indications to prevent professional risks and […]

New prohibitions of discrimination in the workplace

New prohibitions of discrimination in the workplace

The Labor Procedural Reform that came into force recently, introduced important changes to the Labor Code, among them, the prohibition to discrimination against workers in any of the stages of the employee-employer relationship (pre-contractual, contractual or post-contractual). Previously, only four discrimination causes were considered: for reasons of age, ethnicity, gender or religion; causes that had been expanded by different guidelines of […]

The payment of the tax to corporations for the 2018 period

The payment of the tax to corporations for the 2018 period

The deadline for the payment of the tax on corporations expired this past January 31st, amount that is updated every year according to the base salary established by decree annually, which for this year is four hundred thirty one thousand colones (₡431,000.00). It is important to remember that companies that are inactive, must pay a […]

The reasons for the enactment of the Minority Investor Protection Law

The reasons for the enactment of the Minority Investor Protection Law

On August 4, 2016, the Costa Rican Congress approved the Minority Investor Protection Act, Law No. 9392 that came into force on October of that same year,  filling an important legal vacuum within corporations in Costa Rica and that also places our country at the levels of best practice and standards of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and […]

New modifications of the Traffic Law

New modifications of the Traffic Law

The Traffic Law, subject to multiple criticisms by a large sector of Costa Rican citizens, was amended in 2017, and the changes came into effect on July 17. This new reform establishes important modifications of the law in which provisions, prohibitions and fines not previously contemplated by said law are indicated. What are the most […]

Let is start working together

Nos gustan los desafios. Estamos dispuestos a escuchar lo que tiene que decir.



Throughout the years of experience we have delivered the best service and the best treatment for our clients, which has been translated into words of thanks from them. We share some of those words here

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" We just wanted to say thank you and your team so very much for the professionalism, knowledge, and attention everyone has provides. we have been able to feel comfortable and know we are in great hands. "
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Marla Renae Rahmin

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" Attorney Eduardo Rojas and his highly competent team are the reason that my son has his father in his life. ERP Lawyers is a group of experts in international family law, and they are also compassionate through their practice of law. "
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Eric Lentz

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" We have really been impressed by the efficiency and professionalism of ERP Lawyers in providing the services requested. They have been very supportive of our company. We have been very satisfied, and we would not hesitate to recommend them to other people and companies. "
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Adrian Gutierrez - CEO JOGO MERCADEO

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" My experience with ERP Lawyers has been very satisfactory. They are very professional and extremely dedicated in each of their services. Their problem-solving skills are truly admirable... "
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Eva Brenes Branch - Manager Ground Cargo Transportation

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" Mundo Acuático decided more than 3 years ago to look for a firm that not only limited itself to providing us with the legal documents that were requested in different institutions, we wanted to have people who had vision... "
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Daniela Solano - Manager Mundo Acuático

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" I have been using ERP for almost 7 years. I have used Mr. Rojas and his team for family matters, residency, articles of incorporation, property puchases and investing in Costa Rica... "
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Jason Roppolo

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" Hello Eduardo, I am writing to complement your team is work in relation to my recent purchase of Condominium Unit. I was initially impressed by your team is mastery of the English Language. I have been in Costa Rica for 20 years and... "
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William S

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We just wanted to say thank you and your team so very much for the professionalism, knowledge, and attention everyone has provides.

Nos hemos sentido muy cómodos y sabemos que estamos en buenas manos.

I am glad Dominique entrusts you and that our paths have crossed.

We look forward to our continued relationship and being able to work with you and your experienced staff, particularly José, to help make our transition into a foreign country so much more comfortable knowing we are in the best of hands.

Marla Renae Rahmin

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Attorney Eduardo Rojas and his highly competent team are the reason that my son has his father in his life.

ERP Lawyers is a group of experts in international family law, and they are also compassionate through their practice of law.

My son was abducted from the United States and taken to Costa Rica. If it weren’t for ERP Lawyers and their thorough efforts within international family law I do not think I would have been reunited with my son.

The sad fact is that family law in Costa Rica is wrongly biased towards mothers and can often violate human rights of a child to know their father.

While this is a widely known issue in Costa Rica it is immensely difficult for fathers to overcome the negative position that a father begins with in the family courts of Costa Rica.

Thanks to Eduardo Rojas and his team we were able to navigate numerous processes in order to allow my son the human right to be reunited with his father after many years

Eduardo Rojas, Jose Azofeifa, and ERP Lawyers displayed great teamwork, integrity, responsiveness, and flexibility to work with me internationally.

Moreover they were diligent and persistent in pursuing the truth through law practices that allowed my son to finally be reunited with his father.

I have Eduardo Rojas and his team to thank for future years where my son and I will justly be allowed to grow our relationship as father and son.

I give my highest recommendation to anyone needing expert and compassionate support in international family law.

Eric Lentz

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We have really been impressed by the efficiency and professionalism of ERP Lawyers in providing the services requested.

They have been very supportive of our company. We have been very satisfied, and we would not hesitate to recommend them to other people and companies.

Adrian Gutierrez - CEO JOGO MERCADEO

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My experience with ERP Lawyers has been very satisfactory.

They are very professional and extremely dedicated in each of their services.

Their problem-solving skills are truly admirable.

I definitely recommend ERP Lawyers to anyone looking for legal advice.

Eva Brenes Branch - Manager Ground Cargo Transportation

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Mundo Acuático decided more than 3 years ago to look for a firm that not only limited itself to providing us with the legal documents that were requested in different institutions, we wanted to have people who had vision and could advise us on the different challenges and changes both Governmental and of the Private entity.

We are an SME that does not have a legal department, so it was very important to have lawyers to guide us, so that our company was always a step forward, both in administrative, labor, commercial and tax law.

It was a great pleasure to start working with ERP Lawyers and Associates, all our doubts and fears were covered, without neglecting the great kindness with which we have always been attended to.

Daniela Solano - Manager Mundo Acuático

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I have been using ERP for almost 7 years.

I have used Mr. Rojas and his team for family matters, residency, articles of incorporation, property puchases and investing in Costa Rica.

ERP has consistently, been courteous professional and prompt in responding to any legal questions I have had about doing business in Costa Rica.I would highly recommend ERP to anyone that is looking to live or do business in Costa Rica.

Costa Rica is a great place to visit, live and do business and having the right counsel is absolutely necessary.

I cannot stress enough how impressed I have been with Mr. Rojas and his team.

If you are applying for residency, purchasing a home or have any questions about the way things work in Costa Rica, ERP is the best hands down.

They were initially recommended to me by the US Embassy and I have been extremely happy with them.

Jason Roppolo

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Hello Eduardo, I am writing to complement your team is work in relation to my recent purchase of Condominium Unit. I was initially impressed by your team is mastery of the English Language.

I have been in Costa Rica for 20 years and normally speak Spanish 90% of the time, even with those who speak English.

I generally speak Spanish with everyone unless their English is better than my Spanish, which is not usually the case. I was also impressed with your team is attention to detail.

Over the course of the purchase, I had sent a couple of emails that contained a series of technical questions and they were answered in a precise and timely manner.

I have done a lot of real estate closings in the past, and I have more than once found errors in the closing statement. Given that I have an accounting background, I paid careful attention to the closing statement, which was perfectly prepared.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that no corrections were needed. At first, I thought it unusual to close in a MUCAP branch.

But I quickly discovered that the branch manager worked with us to quickly verify the fund is transfers and loan cancellation.

In any case, ERP Lawyers handled the entire closing very smoothly and professionally with the seller, the seller is attorney, and the bank manager and employees. In conclusion, I am happy to say that ERP lawyers did a great job

William S

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San José, Costa Rica. Sabana Oeste, de la CNFL 100 mts oeste y 100 mts norte, edificio de dos plantas a mano izquierda

New Branch:
Jacó, Putarenas, Costa Rica.Plaza Tangeri, Local #1

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